Original Image: "Breakfast"
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At my placement for TE 401, my teacher was telling us about a new program where every child recieves breakfast each morning. She was unhappy because there is already an extremely low amount of time that students are actually being educated in academics during the year, once you take out specials like gym, art, library, etc. This program would take out another half hour every morning from the time that is allotted for teachers to teach their own curriculum throughout the day. When you add up a half an hour, every day, for an entire year, this is a lot of time that could be spent teaching one of the core subject areas.
I understand this outlook, but I can also see the other side of the argument. Food is one of student's most basic needs. Many of these children do not come from the best homes, and they may not be getting breakfast before they are sent off to school. If a child comes to school without their most basic needs being met, how can we expect them to function for an entire school day, and put forth their best effort? I think that we need to tend to children's most basic needs before we can move on to teaching them.
Also, it seems like there could be a way to be productive while letting the children eat their breakfast. For example, my teacher reads a story to the students every day when they return from lunch. Maybe she could use the time while the students are eating to read this story, and she could use that time after lunch to tend to other academic matters. What are your opinions on this issue?
I do agree that it is a lot of time that could be used for teaching time. But I like your idea of reading while they maybe eating. I also think there could be an idea of offering the students/family to decide if they want their children to eat breakfast or not. There could be a few teachers each day who come in 30 min. earlier and that could be the breakfast time for the students who want to go or feel they need to eat.
ReplyDeleteBut I really like your idea of just reading to the children when they eat breakfast.
Not to be a Debbie Downer either, but if schools are having trouble with their budget, do we really have the money to be spending on breakfast for their students?
The elementary school that I attended as a child is doing this same program. When my mom was telling me about it I thought it was pretty neat. You do not have to eat breakfast, but there is a time allotted for those that choose to. I think regardless you go to the cafeteria though...I think it is a good idea and I like how you raise the point of the important role a morning meal plays on your attention and learning ability throughout the day...it is proven that your brain functions better with a hearty breakfast! There are plenty of kids that are rushed out the door in the morning without the essential meal so the idea of it being served at school is great. With every new idea, each year brings something to make it better so in time I think the schools will figure the best way to go about this!
ReplyDeleteIt's great to find out that so many people are familiar with this breakfast for all students program! I love hearing all of your different opinions as I am still kind of undecided on the issue myself. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences Erin and Darcie!